Student Arrival: 8:15 AM
Instructional Day Begins: 8:23 AM
Instructional Day Ends: 2:50 PM
Parents should report absences daily before 9 a.m.
All three elementary schools have started making “robocalls” to families whose children are absent AND the Health Office has not been notified. The goal of the robocall is to alert families as early as possible that their child is not in school. Previously, our office made these calls individually, and given the importance of the information, we wanted you to be aware as soon as possible. When your child is absent, we ask that you do the following:
- Please call 793-6130 and the extension 5303 each day that your child is absent. Give your child's name, class and the reason for the absence.
- Please direct emails to this address:
- A note from the parent/guardian is required on the day your child returns to school.
- Reach out to the nurse with any health related concerns.
- If you alert your child’s teacher to the absence, be sure to alert the Health Office too.
New York State Law defines the following as legal student absence:
personal illness or illness of a family member that requires the student to remain at home to assist
Death in immediate family
Required court appearance
Required religious obligation
Attendance is taken every morning. If a student reaches 7 absences in a 10-week period, we consider it an attendance problem. A letter will be sent to the parent requesting more information about the absences. If the attendance pattern does not show improvement and the building team decides that further intervention is necessary, a referral will be made to the principal. The principal will request a parent conference to determine the consequences for not attending school as well as to develop a course of action that will ensure the student’s attendance in school. At this time, a doctor’s note may be required for all future absences. These interventions will occur for excessive tardiness and early departures from school too. When a family has received the above two interventions and the student accumulates at least 15 days of absences, the principal may pursue formal sanctions.